May 7 | The Hotel UMD, College Park, Maryland

Reinforcing Defense Strongholds: Deploying IPB Tactics in Digital Warfare (Y22a)

08 May 2024
1:30 pm

Reinforcing Defense Strongholds: Deploying IPB Tactics in Digital Warfare (Y22a)

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern warfare, the United States stands poised at the forefront of the digital battlefield. However, this position of strength is double-edged, exposing the nation as the most vulnerable target for cyber attacks. The speed of contemporary communications necessitates not only the rapid dissemination of crucial information but also demands the exclusion of human intervention to outpace adversaries within their decision cycle. Recognizing this imperative, the US Army is embarking on a crucial initiative: the application of its Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) doctrine to cyberspace. Traditionally, IPB, as delineated in FM 34-130, involves a meticulous, ongoing process of scrutinizing threats and environments within specific geographical areas. It encompasses the definition of the battlefield environment, identification of battlefield effects, assessment of threats, and determination of threat courses of action (COAs).While commendable efforts have been directed towards automating the IPB process, the Army has yet to fully extend this methodology to the digital realm. Urgency underlines the necessity for the development of this capability before the nation finds itself engulfed in a cyber war.
The conventional understanding of defining a battlefield in physical terms encounters a stark contrast when applied to the expansive landscape of cyberspace. As articulated by LTC Bertrand Boyer, parallels between cyber and physical battlefields exist, yet the demarcation of cyber boundaries presents a unique challenge.
Boyer’s analysis draws striking similarities between information systems (IS) and urban areas, emphasizing functional zones within both, including storage, service, staging, and controlled access. However, the diversity of cyberspace defies uniform categorization, echoing the intricate architectures of urban environments where each area is distinct despite shared infrastructures.
While these likenesses exist, divergence emerges in the aspect of control. A physical battlefield is visibly governed by a singular entity, apparent to all involved parties. Conversely, the cyber-realm allows adversaries to cohabit ‚Äòplaces‚Äô simultaneously, embedding malicious files within a victim’s system or gaining access to their accounts unnoticed.
To fortify its position and preempt cyber threats, the US Army must transcend the conventional boundaries of warfare analysis. Strategic adaptation of the IPB doctrine to the digital domain becomes paramount, enabling proactive identification of cyber terrains, threat evaluations, and decisive actions.
The fusion of traditional military wisdom with contemporary cyber intricacies paves the way for a robust defense strategy. By leveraging the insights gleaned from IPB’s structured approach, the nation can harness its digital advantage while shoring up vulnerabilities, ensuring resilience in the face of evolving cyber adversities.
In the uncharted territories of cyberspace, where the contours of battle are fluid and unseen, the adaptation of IPB emerges as the beacon guiding the nation toward fortified cyber strength and unwavering resilience.