May 7 | The Hotel UMD, College Park, Maryland

CSfC Tactical, WLAN, and MA CP Case Studies (S13c)

07 May 2024
4:00 pm

CSfC Tactical, WLAN, and MA CP Case Studies (S13c)

This talk will provide a brief review of the NIAP Compliance and CSfC Approval processes, a brief review of the (DRAFT)Tactical, WLAN, and Mobile Access Capability Packages and a deeper dive into case studies showing SAIC customer support for integration and test and evaluation of these solutions. The speaker will highlight T&E efforts for both Tactical and Enterprise level solutions for our MAGTF Common Handheld customer. The speaker will discuss additional artifacts which are included within our RMF evaluation processes, such as vulnerability scan reports, device configuration files, and network traffic capture and analysis files.