May 7 | The Hotel UMD, College Park, Maryland

Cloud Compliance Keynote: Security & Compliance: A Driving Force Behind Moving to the Cloud (P10c)

09 Oct 2018
9:45 am - 10:15 am

Cloud Compliance Keynote: Security & Compliance: A Driving Force Behind Moving to the Cloud (P10c)

With greater resiliency, elasticity, visibility, automation, and the availability of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, security professionals can exceed their highest security and compliance objectives with commercial hyperscale cloud providers. The commercial cloud offers agility through a broad range of services not normally found in on-premises environments, and at a lower cost and lead time to innovate, test, deploy, and operate. Security professionals who take the time to explore and learn about the cloud quickly come to the realization that they cannot only achieve the same level of security and compliance they have on-prem, but significantly improve in these areas. Security operations can detect and respond to events quicker, oftentimes through automation, mitigating threats within milliseconds. Compliance can be built-in as code and continuously monitored in near real-time. Moving fast and staying secure are not mutually exclusive in the cloud.